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Transforming Together

Do you want to take part or find out more about what is happening across the estate?

If so, email  or pop into Woolwich Common Community Centre and speak to Jane, centre manager.

A pilot project supported by the RBG Community Safety team and Co-op Councils Innovation Network

RBG awarded GCDA a grant to develop and deliver a joint community cooperative on the Woolwich Common Estate.


GCDA are working in partnership with RBG and key stakeholders to improve the safety, security and the look and feel of the estate.


The project is focusing on the ideas, interests and ambitions of the Woolwich Common Estate residents and the starting point for the project has been conversations and consultations with residents about their priorities, interests and ambitions. So far there are 30 project ideas.


The first project led by local residents and supported by GCDA and the RBG Caretaking team has been to clear rubbish across the estate


The  next steps are to establish two community led groups in January 2024, one will be to run regular rubbish walks and the other group will be to design and maintain new community gardens, supported by a GCDA dedicated gardener. 


If you are interested in getting involved, please email  for volunteer information, including equipment and training,  or pop into Woolwich Common Community Centre at 17 Leslie Smith Square, London SE18 4DW to find out more

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